Fantasies & pride are an addiction to pleasure with no pain. The pleasure puffs us up to feel good. Fantasies are addictions to a one-sided reality that does not exist. No pleasure can be gained without pain and vice versa.
Fear is an addiction to the fantasy of enjoying pleasure and avoiding pain.
Jealousy arises due to possible loss of our pride.
Depression arises due to comparison of our current reality to our fantasy.
It is the amygdala in our brain that seeks pleasure and avoiding pain. The amygdala is the source of our desires. It splits events between good and bad. The pre-frontal cortex (also called the executive centre) is the source of love where events are perceived synchronistically as both good and bad in the specific moment. It unifies both positive and negative to unify our perceptions for equanimity, divinity, enlightenment, love, unity & superconsciousness.
The light within is seen by unifying one-sided polarised perceptions of either positive or negative .When positive or negative perceptions are looked at on their own as 2 separate parts, we remain in darkness.
I am trying to kick my addiction to striving for the one-sided reality sold to me by society of enjoying happiness with no pain. It is the root of tragedy in anyone's life.
Social indoctrinations and media make us strive for futility of a "happy life". Such a life of only happiness exists for nobody. Happiness exists in a pair with its partner - sadness.
Fantasies have drawbacks equal to benefits. If you take action to achieve the fantasy, the benefit is that you transform the fantasy to vision that inspires. The drawbacks of pleasurable fantasies is tragedy. A fantasy is generally rooted in an acute challenge that we are not able to overcome. If you remain fantasizing rather than achieving a vision, you will remain deluded with time passing by and you not living the life you want.
Get real about your fantasies, how they hold you back and what the root of it is. I help people to work through the acute challenges they may face for clarity of vision with achievement of overcoming the challenge.